Friday, January 1, 2016

My few idiocies and New Year Resolution

The way we begin our day determines the way we will live our day. On this very beginning of new day of New Year Twenty Sixteen, I unfold few idiocies among many in me and set my New Year resolution. The simple resolution that I made today is in hope of keeping me on track and in longing to have profound influence on the quality of every minute that follows. It is nothing as big goals targeting for bigger achievement and excellence. Although deep inside I thought of many but I put live in writing by pointing out my TEN Resolution.
1. Ape up my Reading Habit.
I am neither a keen and ardent reader nor never reader. But honestly I read book too seldom. I realized myself as a person who knows to read but failed to do so. Thus, in position exactly as a person who do not know to read at all and still wants to read. My first and foremost New Year resolution is to increase my time in reading. To be precise, I will read and complete minimum of two books in a month.
2. Keep writing and will update my Blog regularly.
Reading alone and without writing will not make what I learnt useful, pragmatic and practical. I may read something new today or learn new vocabulary, but if I don’t use this word it is very easy to forget. I will write all genre of literature ranging from short article and book summary to story. I will publish my work in my blog account and promise to write minimum of four pieces in a month. Besides writing only in blog I came up with idea of keeping my personal journal, if possible daily and if not weekly by any means. Personal journal includes my daily experiences and feelings with deeper realization.
3. Reduce using Social Apps.
Application like facebook, wechat, imo,instagram etc. are important for keeping connections with families, teachers, friends and acquaintances. Again more than that some applications like facebook are also reliable and vast source of information only if we know how to use it intelligently. Mostly, users turn out to be victim of it after they attain stage of addiction on it. And this applications turn into root cause for wastage of precious time when failing to use it shrewdly and sensibly. So frankly list includes my name. When I jot down this I don’t mean to quit chatting and keeping in touch with friends but I will not go so enticed and hooked with that activity  prolonging for long hours and late night, sometimes up to early morning.
4. Concentrate on my modules content and explore beyond.
Bygone semester days are day where certain transition from school life to college life made me felt its differences and allured me into pleasure, enjoyment and amusement without realization that individual must strive for excellence. I will pay concentration in class and explore the content back at hostel.
5. I will control my utterances of word with mood and be more humble and grow silently.
I believed my thoughts are always beyond my control and burst out with anger and crude words. Now I take up realization that we are creator of thoughts that flows in mind and thus given a fact, I can change my thought. So often I go on talking useless and nonsense. Hence I will speak precisely and communicate what needs to be said.

6. I will not be hard on myself.
I am a person who easily beats me lots for failures and mistakes. I blame myself for many causes and always stay with dashed hopes. Small thing tend to remain so long in my mind blocking my way forward. I will stop blaming so hard on myself and will accept them and move on.
7. Will use my little money judiciously.
8. Will call my parents at least once in a week.
9. Will be willing always for good reason and remain interactive with friends in a wiser way.
10. Punctual always. Will sleep and rise on time.
I fully hope that this Ten New Year resolution will keep  my days, weeks, months and year Twenty Sixteen On Track and worthwhile.
Happy New Year!
Thought for a year.
“The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.”
                                                                                                            Norman Cousin.

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