Author RinzinRinzin’s novel ‘DepaBondeypa’sRelatives’ is an engrossing tale about a
poverty-stricken man called Bondeypaand his relationship with his relatives and
neighbourhoods in his two stature of life, as a poor man earlier and as arich
Bondeypa later. Novelaccountsof Bhutanat a time when it
was untouched by modernity.
The story is the based on a local legend from Lhuntse about Bondeypa,
whose ancestors were said to have been a Depa (chieftain/ruler) of locality of
Nyongdela. It was narrated that the misfortune of Bondeypa was attributed to
loss of mermaid Gyalmo’s blessing, after she abscondedTsadilaTsho.Story is
entirely Bondeypa’s experiences in his village and journey to Bumthang upon royal
As story begins, Bondeypa woke up early morning with much
duties and worries from inside the solitary ancient castle of Nyongdela. His
duties start from cooking and looking after his two children to having enough
means to meet basic needs for a family. As usual, Bondeypa goes for hard labour
peonage in neighbouring house and bring whatever he gets after tedious work to
home. At village, very humble Bondeypa was humiliated, mortified andmocked by all
the neighbours. To his dismay, Bondeypa received a royal decree commanding him
to report to the King at Bumthang. Bondeypa sets into long journey of meeting
many people, passing many places and crossing across Rodungla passuntil he
reached palace. In the King’s grace,
humble Bondeypa shared all his harsh realities of life. Kindhearted and
generous king gave him enough wealth to sustain his entire life with decent
After ten days journey, Bondeypa was back to his village and
made his way towards Nyongdela riding a
fully decked pony with his children. To the reader’s surprise, when Bondeypa
was encircled with the heap of horses’ load, villager came towards him claiming
uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, cousins and friends. Bondeypa openly prostrated
his King’s gifts for creating many relatives, which led the fair-weather
relatives and friends to leave in embarrassment. Thus, it gave birth to the
metaphor ‘Depa Bondeypa’s relatives’ – referring to fair-weather relatives that
still today exist in their locality.
The book takes reader through a legend, a myth, which traces
the ancient trade route and reflects the rural Bhutanese life, traditions and
customs. It holds on the theme of fickle relationship human tends to developed
depending on circumstances of other.